
Accessible Restaurants

In Durango, CO

Include a delicious and exciting meal in your itinerary when you visit Durango, CO. In Durango, you can find everything from spicy New Mexican food, to artfully crafted sushi rolls, to a burger made from local, grass-fed beef. Our restaurants offer culinary delights that will keep you full, happy, and excited for your next tasty meal! Many restaurants in Durango have accessible features. 

Below you will find a list of accessible restaurants in Durango and surrounding areas. Please check with local restaurants to make sure they meet all of your accessibility needs. 

Some restaurants listed have multiple locations, not all of which are accessible. Please verify the address of the restaurant prior to visiting.

Please note that a wheelchair-friendly or accessible designation does not imply that it meets ADA standards. We are continually updating, changing, and adding to our accessibility pages, and value your feedback and suggestions. 

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