The flight from Phoenix to Durango is a mid-length flight and will require a moderate amount of fuel. The flight distance is 601 miles (968km).
Although we would appreciate it if you could offset your flight emissions from your original departure city to Durango, Below is some information that will help make it easy for you to offset your flight from Pheonix to Durango.
If you live in Arizona, the 7.5-hour drive from Phoenix is best done by car so that you can appreciate the scenery along the way! Not to mention, driving will produce less carbon emissions than flying.
The idea of buying carbon offsets to help reduce one's environmental impact is not new, but recent research claims that flying can have a much greater effect than previously thought. Air travel accounts for 25% or more global warming gases released into our atmosphere every year- even worse than car emissions. If you have to fly, offsets can help partially reduce that impact and you will be making a difference in helping our neighbors in the four corners area reduce their energy burden and having a direct impact on them.
Your donation will offset your carbon footprint and provide grants to fund local families for efficiency upgrades, reducing their climate impact, which would not otherwise be possible for lower-income households. These projects will help reduce energy use, conserve resources and help the environment by reducing the release of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. By reducing energy consumption, we can all benefit from a healthier planet.
Durango is a stunning destination, but it has the potential to be even more so with your help. 4CORE and Visit Durango want you on board for our mission of educating visitors about how you can make a positive impact on our climate and the lives of our residents in this area by choosing wisely when traveling.
4CORE (The Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency) is a local non-profit with the goal of providing programs and projects that ensure immediate energy and cost savings, especially for our lower-income residents. They provide beneficial electrification and renewable energy installations, encourage the adoption of clean transportation with electric vehicles, and provide water conservation education and best practices, all with the intent of reducing the emissions that produce the harmful effects of a rapidly warming planet.
Visit Durango is committed to our role as a Destination Management and Marketing Organization (DMMO). We prioritize education and mitigating the tourism impact through destination management to support our residents and economy. We are proud to partner with 4CORE in this effort and provide our visitors the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint.
Together, we can make a difference.